10) Wild Card: The F*cking Leftovers (And Avengers)

In HBO's The Leftovers, for those of you who don't know, 2% of the world's population mysteriously disappears and the show explores the world after a secular rapture. Avengers: Infinity War is the big budget prologue to this show. Except in Infinity War, Thanos, the Mad Titan, dusts 50% of all life from existence with the snap of his fingers.
Avengers: Endgame, much like the Leftovers, is to explore the world post "Snappening" or "Sudden Snaparture" and explores in which our heroes figure out how to get them back. In the Leftovers, spoiler alert, they don't come back. But that doesn't matter.
Wanna know something funny? Carrie Coon, one of the leads of The Leftovers (She plays Nora Durst) is also IN Infinity War. She plays Proxima Midnight, one of Thanos' Black Order. Also, I don't know if you know this, but they steal a whole moment from the Leftovers, the very first scene!
Before I saw Avengers: Infinity War, I was spoiled by two very vague ideas, one of which, ironically, stemmed from my knowledge of The Leftovers, a show that nobody really watched so why was this reference made anyways? Well Nerdist, a nerd YouTube channel, made a parody of the Leftovers season 2 title sequence, but with Avengers characters. I only caught a glimpse of this when I saw the frame of Groot departing.

Ultimately, I just wanted to end this blog as my college career began. Geeking out about The Leftovers (which still nobody has seen, but can always remember me talking about.) But mainly I wanted to see Avengers: Endgame and wanted to relate the biggest movie in the world to the small show I fell in love with years ago. So yeah! Watch The Leftovers.
UPDATE: I had written this before I saw Avengers: Endgame, so I decided to share this bit of information. Without spoiling anything, Avengers: Endgame is amazing. And I think Superhero films get short shrift a lot of time by the Academy, but I think Avengers: Endgame proves that the superhero genre can and is at the same cinematic levels as a Lord of the Rings or Avatar. I legit started a Change.org petition, trying to get ahead of the game, calling to give Avengers: Endgame a shot at the title of the major categories, most importantly, Best Picture. I'd appreciate it if you believe in the cause to sign and share the petition! And do whatever it takes to get Avengers: Endgame the consideration it deserves.
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