6) Critiquing a Media Critic: Collider Live

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Collider Live is a podcast/morning radio-esqe show run by film entertainment news YouTube channel Collider Video.  The show is run by Kristian Harloff of the former Schmoes Know and it's a mixture of movie news and Howard Stern type shenanigans. The show is a spiritual "Phase 7" of the now done Schmoes Know Movie Show (which ran for 6 previous "Phases" every time the show switched production houses) for everyone from the show has switched over to Collider, re-purposing the show to Collider Live.

Collider Live is meant to have a laid back "Buddies in the bar talking Star Wars" type vibe. The show is pretty low tech in actuality (4 to 5 adults sitting in a windowless closet that sometimes looks like it smells a little) but has a lot of production value for something that is meant to seem so casual.

The hosts, while each media/film critics, aren't obligated to talk about film on this particular show on the channel. They more talk about their personal lives and things in the news and just have conversations about it, and, since they're movie nerds, they may reference film from time to time.

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For big movies or movie news events, they tend to give it time in the show, but they have been known to forgo movie topics in order to give the conversations time to play out if they are particularly engaging or just personally important to one of the hosts. Often times, the hosts might get in an argument on air and it's almost an established rule that if beef comes up on air then beef needs to be attempted to be squashed on air. (Note: I said attempted, because sometimes they don't agree and one steps out and it's solved later or off air.)

The show used to be only 3 days a week Monday-Wednesday, but changed to 5 days Mon-Fri after the show proved to have a steady audience. The show airs around 1pm (In Arkansas, 11am in California where the show and Collider Video is located ) and is live. I watch it sometimes if I just so happen to be in my room at the time, but I download it every day around 3-4pm when the show ends.

I enjoy Collider Live because, as much as I enjoy consuming film content, I don't have many people to talk to about movie news and junk because none of the results of movie news is really shown for 1-2 years if not longer. Collider Video has an old re-purposed AMC Theaters movie show called Collider MovieTalk which is essentially if people talked about movies as if they talked about sports. Factoring in box office, behind the scenes career moves, along with just talking about the quality of any given film. Collider Live is like if those hosts went to lunch and what they would talk about at that time. Since movies are on the brain usually, they may come up, but it's really just a bunch of folks hanging out relating to each other through common interest. So I appreciate it, they speak a similar language to myself (if just not outright influencing my language all together.)


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